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CONS:you cant have naughty stuff in them, they might steal things PROS: are nothing

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Q: What are the pros and cons of locker and backpack searches in schools?
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What are some cons to having school lockers?

If one locker has something smelly in it, all lockers begin to smell. Also, it is easy for small insects and other bacteria to travel from locker to locker, leading to easier spread of infections.

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The pros of owning a mini laptop are you can take them anywhere you go without having to have something bulky in your backpack, if you are a student. The cons are the keyboard is very small, which may be a problem if you are use to a large keyboard.

Where online can I find information about the pros and cons of private schools?

You can find a list of the pros and cons of private school on the following website: They have a lot of useful information.

Cons of animal dissection?

Animal dissection can be harmful to the environment by contributing to waste and pollution. It also raises ethical concerns about using animals for educational purposes and can desensitize students to the suffering of animals. Additionally, alternative methods such as virtual dissection are more cost-effective and can provide the same educational outcomes.

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Pro: weight is closer to body, allowing for easier balance. Con: more expensive for the amount of packing volume.

What is the best photography school in the United States?

There are many photography schools in the United Schools. Each school has its pros and cons. You have to compare schools in your area to make and informed decision.

What are Pros and cons of drug testing in schools?

The pro and con of drug testing in schools is simple. (1)Con: The invasion of your privacy. (2)Pro: knowing that you are.

What are the top schools for studying psychology?

I found this site helpful. It ranks the top psychology schools and gives you their pro's and cons. The link is provided below.