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Q: What are the properties of microwaves that allow them to be used for satellite communications?
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Can microwaves break through the ozone layer?

Yes. Microwaves have ozonial penetration properties that allow them to penetrate the ozone in short bursts but most is deflected

Why should we use microwaves for communications?

Microwaves allow for high-speed data transmission over long distances with relatively low energy consumption. They also have a narrow beam width, which enables highly focused and directional communication signals. Additionally, microwaves are not affected by atmospheric conditions such as fog or rain, making them a reliable choice for communication systems.

Why is orbit important use of the satellite?

The orbit of a satellite is determined based on the functions that the satellite needs to perform. A communications satellite.s purpose is to make communications easier. If it were in a very low orbit, the satellite would pass quickly overhead and you would only have a couple of moments to talk. A photo satellite needs to have a low orbit, to be close enough to take good pictures. Photo satellites are often in polar orbits to allow them to cover the entire globe rather than the same parts over and over again.

What is a satellite designed to allow humans to live in outer space?

A space station is a satellite designed to allow humans to live in outer space.

What is the SYNAPSE in the movie antitrust?

It's a satellite communications network with the theoretical ability to connect to any video-capable device - cell phones, computers, and televisions are shown, and allow people to place video calls to anyone, anywhere in the world via the satellite network. It can also be used for broadcasts that reach the entire world.

Does glass allow microwaves to pass through them?

Yes, glass is transparent to microwaves and allows them to pass through, which is why microwave ovens have glass doors. However, if the glass contains metal components, it may block the microwaves from passing through effectively.

What does satellite images allow scientists to observe?

Whatever they are focussed on.

Does not allow multiple users to share one communications lines?


What is the purpose of a satellite antenna?

A satellite antenna has one very important purpose. It is designed to allow a home to receive a satellite signal, which then allows users to receive a television signal.

Why must satellite dishes face a certain direction?

DISH Network satellite dishes must face a certain direction in order to allow the dish to correctly align with the necessary satellite orbitals.

Can microwaves pass through any objects or do they easily get blocked?

Microwaves can pass through many materials, but their ability to penetrate objects depends on the material's composition and thickness. Dense materials like metal can block microwaves, while transparent materials like glass can allow them to pass through.

Why microwaves do not come out through the small holes in the door of a microwave oven?

The dimensions of the holes are less than half the wavelength of the microwaves. Most microwaves operate at 2.5 GHz making the wavelength about 1cm. Half of that is 0.5 cm. Any hole small than this will not allow the wave to pass through.