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Q: What are similarities between Assyria and sumer?
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Why was Babylon a natural trade of crossroad?

Babylon is natural crossroad of trade because it was located between Assyria and the City of Sumer.

An ancient land in mesopotamia?

I think there are four. Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, and Chaldea.

What is a city state farm that's in Mesopotamia?

Sumer, babylon, assyria, Chaldean

What were 4 improvements Hammurabi made in Mesopotamia?

Sumer,Babylonia,Assyria,and New babylonia

Who were the mesopotamian empires?

Sumer: Babylonia: Hammurabi Assyria: Chaldea: Nebuchadnezzar Most important: Nebuchadnezzar

What changes did Hammurabi bring to sumer?

Ur was a Sumer city before the Chaldeans took it. Then came changes to the reigns like the names Sumer, Assyria, Akkadian Empire and then Babylonia. The land was the same and in Hammurabi's rule, he kept build cities and protecting them.

What type of similarities did the sumer and babylonians have in government?

partial empire

5 kingdoms of mesopotamia?

akkadian, babylonian,hittite, assyrian, chaldea,phoenician, israel

What are similarities of sumer and Assyrians?

They both were made up of city states.

What are the three civilization's?

Well, stone age cultures were the earliest, but if you want actual civilisations? Probably Sumer, Assyria and Egypt

What were the three civilizations within Mesopotamia called?

The three civilizations in Mesopotamia were called Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria.