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Some things to compare and constrast are the following:

public school vs. private school

script writing vs. print writing

catholic vs. jewdisum

lap-top vs. computer

spanish vs. English

test vs. homework

When you compare and contrast items the easiest thing to do is make to circles and over-lap them. You baseically tell the similarities and differences of the two objects that you are writing about.

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12y ago
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16y ago

"One of these things is not like the other", sounds familiar? Listing similarities and differences of objects or ideas is a logical exercise. How does Shakespeare differ from Greek tragedies or what are the similarities shared by cats and dogs (do cats have canine teeth?)

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14y ago

You could find a controversial issue, such as abortions or bull fighting, and compare and contrast the pros and cons. You could also compare and contrast different aspects of related cultures, such as comparing and contrasting British English to American English, or comparing Portuguese in Portugal to Portuguese in Brazil.

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15y ago

Comparison is analyzing the similarities, contrast analyzes differences.

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9y ago

Contrast is to find difference between two things while comparison is to make difference between two things including positive and negative points to conclude which is better .

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12y ago

Guilt is compared with acquittal and they seem the opposite . The opposite of guilt is innocence, so acquittal means innocent.

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