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the displacement is either less or equal to the distance traveled

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Q: Suppose that an object travels from one point in space to another Make a comparison between the displacement and the distance traveled?
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What is distance is the difference between?

Displacement is the distance from initial to ending point. Suppose you took 3 steps forward and then 2 steps back. Your displacement in 1 step forward. Distance is distance travelled in total. If you took 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, your distance travelled is 5 steps.

What is the difference between distance and displacen?

Displacement is the distance from initial to ending point. Suppose you took 3 steps forward and then 2 steps back. Your displacement in 1 step forward. Distance is distance travelled in total. If you took 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, your distance travelled is 5 steps.

Suppose you plot the distance traveled by an object at various times and you discover that the graph is not a straight line what does this indicate about the object acceleration?

If the graph of distance traveled vs. time is not a straight line, it indicates that the object's acceleration is not constant. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so a non-linear distance-time graph suggests that the object's velocity is changing at a non-constant rate, causing a curved graph.

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I have traveled many countries. In comparison with American , European and Australian Japan is the best costumer service in the world I suppose.

What is displacement divided by time?

Displacement divided by time is VELOCITY. Definition of velocity is rate of change of displacement with respect to time. Suppose a object gets displaced by 5m in 2 seconds, its velocity will be5/2=2.5 m/s(m/s is its unit).It means that object will go 2.5m in 1 second. Let us take oone more example. Say a object has moved by 6m in 12 seconds, Its velocity will be:6/12=0.5m/s Means it will cover a distance of 0.5m in one second.

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suppose 2000 km

How tall is Traian Basescu?

I have no data but after the published photos and by comparison with the others I suppose that is not a tall man, not more than 1,70 m.

What is displacement in mathematics?

Suppose a body moves from one point to another. If we draw a straight line between these two points, the length of this line is the displacement of the body no matters how much ground the body covers to reach the final point. It must be noted here that this straight line marks the shortest path between the two points. Thus, displacement can be defined as vector quantity which is the length of the shortest path connecting the point where a body starts to move and the point where the body finally reaches.

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suppose that 5he acceleration of acar increase with time could we use v=v0+at

What moves points a specified distance along a line parallel to a specified line?

Suppose the specified line has gradient m. Also suppose the specified distance is d.Then x = sqrt[d2/(1 + m2)] and y = m*x.A translation, by a distance x in the horizontal direction and y=mx in the vertical direction will move the point by the specified distance in the direction of the specified line.

When you are using elevated surface from bottom to up is distance varies with time?

No. There is no reason to suppose that the elevated surface is moving.