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financial ratios

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Q: Relationships determined from a firm's financial information and used for comparison purposes are known as?
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How is the Dun and Bradstreet Financial Strength Index determined?

The D&B Financial Strength Ratio is impacted by a company's financial statement, ratios and payment history. For more information, visit

What are analytical procedures in an audit?

SAS No. 56 describes analytical procedures as the "evaluation of financial information made by a study of plausible relationships among both financial and non-financial data" (AICPA, 1998, 56 p. 1).

What is auditing and assurance?

Audits are performed to verify the validity of financial information submitted. However, audits fall under the category of assurance where risk are determined based on the information provided.

Where can one learn more regarding capital home loan?

A Capital home loan is a financial product allows individuals to borrow money in order to purchase property. More information about Captial home loans is available from financial advisers or from financial comparison websites.

What is financial statement?

financial comparison statement is a statement showing the trend in which financial figures are changing between two accounting period.

What is Financial comparative statement?

financial comparison statement is a statement showing the trend in which financial figures are changing between two accounting period.

What is a computerised financial management information system?

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Differences between financial and non-financial information?

Financial information is concerned with making money and managing money for the organization. Non-financial information is information about customers, suppliers, etc.

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How is materiality determined?

Materiality is typically determined by assessing whether information has the potential to significantly impact the decisions of users of financial statements. Factors considered include the nature and size of the item, its potential impact on financial statements, and its relevance to users. Materiality thresholds are often established based on quantitative benchmarks or professional judgment.

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