No. The only Blu-Ray playing game console is the PlayStation 3, for their game discs are actually Blu-Rays themselves
No and the XBox360 can not play Blu Ray either.
-PS3- ray 2.more Gigabytes online 4.Barely better graphics than xbox360 -Xbox360 Elite- 1.HD-tv (practicely the same as blueray) 2.$7.99 a month (no bigy) -Differnence- 1.xbox360=better online play 2.xbox360=more user friendly 3.xbox360=halo3,gears of war. 4.xbox360=cost less 5.PS3=blueray... 6.PS3=free online...
The legal amount is 2 hours straight. 3 hours if it is a good day. More time is allowed.
that is up to you. it has blueray and internet added....
no just DVD
Blueray DVD of Highschool Musical
yes and blueray
i have a question is the xbox360 elite the same as an xbox360 pro
DVD, DDVD, Blueray, DBlueray
march 29th 2011