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charge your lap top or to mac support

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Q: If your Mac won't turn on what should you do?
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Your Mac OSX shut off and wont turn back on?

This must be something to do with the wiring. I think that you should take it to the apple store.

How do you turn your screen upside down on mac iBook?

I do not think that you can because it just wont let you do that.

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Which should you istall first in your PC mac or windows7?

You should definetely install PC mac first and then install windows 7 because if you do windows first it wont save correctly in PC mac.

Why wont your ipod touch turn back on after you jailbreak it?

plug it in then leave it then unplug it, it should turn in then

Why wont facebook work with a Mac?

It should work with a Mac. You haven't described the problem in full so your best bet would be e-mailing Apple or Facebook.

Ipod Corrupt And Wont Turn On What Should I Do?

go to professional electronist.

When you download Minecraft will it work on mac?

yes....however make sure that you download the version for mac and it should be a .zip file or a .dmg file. if it is .exe, then it is a windows file and wont work

Why wont your connect to the mac app store?

your what?

My fsx autopilot has stopped working it wont turn on it wont even allow me to use the flight director what should i do?

reset settings or if its not that its fsx

Why wont your minecraft mods for mac work?

They don't.

Why wont the Mac app store show up on my computer?

u need a mac computer to open the mac app store