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If you have the applications already in iTunes, then when you plug in your iPod there will be a tab called Applications. Maybe sure the ones that you want on your iPod are checked to be transferred.

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16y ago
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13y ago

After you buy the app, and after it goes on your ipod touch, you drag the app you want to put on your ipod touch to you're ipod icon. For example: if you called your ipod Jane's ipod touchthen you drag the app over to where it says Jane's ipod touch. Then, you wait for the app to load onto your ipod and when it says syncing complete, then you can slide to unlock your ipod and you can use your app.

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14y ago

You can't. Itunes will not allow you to do so because it is against the law.

Actually you can so long as you and the other person you want to swap with have the Bump application which allows you to send and swap things with the other person and vice versa ect.

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15y ago

you use a moving application like bump (billionth application) or mover

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15y ago

1. Connect your iPod to your computer. 2. Set the sync settings so that you can download all apps.

3. Sync the iPod.

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14y ago

Plug the new iPod touch into computer and transfer your apps onto it in the apps section

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13y ago

u ask someone

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no, you can have apps for ipod touches, but some reqiure wi-fi, so amke sure you have that

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apps are only for ipod touches and iphones apps are only for ipod touches and iphones there are some websites that supposedly give them away but they lie. I use

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No, only for some apps.

I can't get apps on my ipod nano 4 why not?

Only iPod touches and iphones support apps.(If you are wanting apps get the ipod 4th generation. "Walmart does not carry Product yet though.)

What ipod touches do not have a cell phone in it?

All ipod touches dont have a cell phone, but you can download apps where you can text or call on the condition that you have WiFi

What iPod touch is best for apps?

All of the ipod touches. But i recommend 2nd generation and up.

Copying apps between two ipod touches is it possible?

no not yet but i imagine that soon some software will be made to do exactly that

Does iPod Touch get apps?

Yes it basically does everything an iPhone does except call (you can text on iPod Touches).

Do iPod touches ring people?

They can call people on wifi with certain apps.

Do iPod touches get new apps every once in a while for free?
