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664. i know of people who have 2000-6000. one of my friends only has 100 something. it depends.

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Q: How many songs do most people have on their ipods?
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Can you delete and replace songs on iPods and MP3 players?

On most MP3 players, including iPods, you can delete and replace songs when you have it connected to a computer. Most MP3 players won't let you delete songs without connecting to a computer. -DJ Craig

What ipods hold 1000 songs?

Most of them, depending on how big there file sizes are

Where do most people listen to music?

in the car maybe or on their ipods

Do you have a CD?

Many people own at least a few, though most people today use MP3 players or iPods instead. I myself, have several CD's.

How can you get your music back off of your iPod?

Most iPods come with a program on your computer that can help making organizing your songs easier and faster. The program can also allow you to delete or add certain songs.

Who has the most songs in there iTunes library?

those guys with 32 GB i pods correction, those like me who have the 160GB iPods, with extra mp3 players as well. i have around 120GB of songs atm, but its constantly growing.

What are the most popular reasons for ipod covers?

I think the most popular reason is because people drop their ipods a lot on accident so to prevent that from happening, they buy ipod covers to protect their ipods.

Should students use ipods in class?

I think Ipods should not be used for kids at school, because it can make them not focus on their work. and if they get asked questions they can miss it. It also can confuse the person your next to. and some of the songs may have swears in it. therefore Ipods should not be used in school they also cause many bad things. such as : ADHD (attention deficult hyperacticity dis-order) wich is a major problem because most of the people who listen to Ipods are children/students.:I-pods cause hearing problems which are not good for children.:INSOMNIA...which is when a person had problems sleeping. Evrey child needs sleep....thank-youkassie,grade 7.

What is the price of iPods?

Most ipods run from 100-250 dollars if you buy them new.

How many ipods get stolen each year?

That depends on where you live. If you live in a bum/hobo type of area with prostitutes and gangsters, most likely 440-510 iPods will be stolen.

Are iPods compatible with Linux?

Linux software exists to sync music with most iPods. So yes.

Does the gosselins have any ipods?

Most likely.