easy/you give that person on your xat chat box your xat's password then they will insert it on edit then click xat settings then they will be main owner and they can help controle you xat ;-)
cause the battery is losing its power 0r u should get a new shuffle
You buy the hat power from the store which costs 100 xats.
You can shuffle the power point slides easily. They can be dragged and dropped at any position.
Xat stands for Xarrin Advanced Technologies.
yes because i use my shuffle with my idog and it always works
The oldest xat chat group is called xat_test, which was created before xat was officially launched and is used for testing purposes by the xat developers.
You don't make yourself owner. Main owners give that power.
You need to have status power which costs 400 xats. Then press $status=(message)
The population of Bat Xat District is 62,477.