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put ur finger on the wheel and spin it round to alter volume on a nano. keep finger on the wheel until the right volume. or go into settings and nto click wheel and spin till it says 'both' or 'volume' then press center button. then do the first instrution whilst in song.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Though you can not technically shut off an iPod Nano (Except by running it out of batteries) you can restart it by holding down the menu button and the middle button. You can turn it to sleep mode which uses very little energy by holding down play.

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13y ago

Most Ipod's cannot actually be turned off, rather they have a sleep mode and a deep sleep mode. Hold the Play/Pause button for a few seconds until the screen turns black. The Ipod is now sleeping. If you don't use the Ipod for 36 hours it will automatically go into deep sleep mode. Press the middle button to wake it up.

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14y ago

hold the pause button until the screen is black ans then lock the screen

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13y ago

Hold down the Play/pause key. Hold it down for 5 seconds and it's should turn off.

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15y ago

Most iPod Nanos do not have built in speakers. You must plug it into speakers or an iHome (or other docking station) to play it without headphones.

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14y ago

the same way you do when it doesn't have earphones on

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It depends on the iPod model. An iPod Nano should have an off/on switch on the left side on the top of the iPod.

Turn off ipod nano?

you press the play/pause button

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if it is the new ipod (ipod nano 6th gen) you must: . To wait for it turn off when it don't have battery, it will turn of automically. . Then connected to the computer to charge, then it will work normal again.

How do you turn off a iPod?

For the Ipod Nano and the Ipod classic, you just hold the play button down for 5 seconds or so. Do that again to turn it back on.

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you have to hold down the lock key...if its an ipod touch...but if it is a ipod nano i don know...try to charge it then it should turn on! ☺

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ipod nano will only play music when connected to ac current

How do you get out of voice recinition on a ipod nano?

you press the menu button. or you let it go to sleep or you turn it off

How do you turn off an ipod nano 5g?

you hold the play button for like three seconds and it turns off! ur wellcome! :) :) :)

What do you do if nothing is coming up on an ipod nano's screen?

turn the ipod on.... Geezz

How do you know if your iPod Nano is broke?

if it wont turn on

How do you get rid of the combination lock on your iPod nano?

If your ipod is locked and you don't remember the code, you have to restart the ipod. If you just want to turn combination lock off then do not create a code.

How do you upload iTunes onto the iPod Nano?

Press sync on the page of your iPod on iTunes at the bottom. If you want to keep your music, turn off the sync and drag it to your iPod in the side bar