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Clicking on the music's icon and dragging it into the iTunes window will add it to the iTunes library or select Add To Library... from the iTunes File menu.

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Q: How do you put music from a folder on your computer onto itunes so I can play it on my ipod?
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How do you put songs on your ipod that aren't on iTunes?

Open up iTunes and the folder your music is stored in. Drag and drop it from the folder into iTunes.

How do you add songs on an iPod?

There are multiple ways to do this, if your computer recognizes your ipod as a media player then you can simply open it through going to my computer and selecting the storage disk that represents your ipod. Another way to do this is to selecting "open folder to view files" when the "autoplay" window pops up after plugging your ipod in. With either of these options a window will open and you can simply copy the mp3 music files that you have on your computer and pasting it in to the ipod folder. The more "apple" way to insert music is by using itunes, with itunes your ipod will be recognized and possibly automatically synced. With the sync any music stored in the itunes library will be automatically placed on your ipod. If this does not work then you can copy the music and paste it in the ipod folder that will appear in itunes. This folder setting can be acquired by expanding the ipod options on the left side (if they arn't already expanded), selecting music and then pasting. Hope this works! Best of luck! :)

How do you transfer music from xp computer to ipod?

Step 1: put your music to a folder on your compute, e.g. "D:\music" .Step 2: Run iTunes, click "File", click "Add Files to Library..." or "Add Folder to Library..." , select the songs in folder D:\music.Or simply run iTunes, Drag your files in "D:\music" to your iTunes music Library.If you want to transfer music from iPod back to computer, you need to utilize some tools to help you.

Ive transfered music from your computer to your iPod but the music wont show up on your iPod?

when the music is in my computer got to itunes click on File Add Folder to library Find the correct file and click open synchronise your ipod and the music will turn up

Do you have to buy iTunes to have music for your iPod?

no, 1.Itunes is free can put music on your computer to Itunes then ipod.

How do you transfer songs from laptop to mobile?

once you have connected your ipod to itunes drag the music folder from your itunes and drop it to the ipod folder on the left side of itunes. this can only be done if u have installed itunes in your laptop.

How do you get music from itunes onto someone elses ipod?

With a mac so first you plug you iPod into you mac then you make a folder and drag all of your music from your ipod into that folder then you drag the folder with the music in it onto itunes and it should begin to import all of the songs.For an easier solution, try TouchCopy. It lets you copy songs from any iPod or iPhone to your PC or Mac hard drive or straight into iTunes. If you copy the iPod music into iTunes, you just need to re-sync your iPod to add all your old and new music to it.

How do you combine two ipod libraries?

you carnt. you need to plug i your iPod then go to start menu, computer, and removable devices. this will then show your iPod. doubble click and the music willl transfer on to the desktop. then copy the folder to your new itunes library.

Can you transfer music from the iPod to any computer or does it have to be the computer you registered your iPod on?

You can transfer music from the iPod to any computer, as long as that computer has iTunes.

How do you get music into your iPod?

You have to download the program "iTunes" to your computer. Once it is fully installed you must connect your iPod to your computer with the USB cord that is included with the iPod. Then you can burn music from CDs into iTunes, transfer songs on your computer into iTunes, and buy music from the iTunes store (this requires internet).

How do you copy music from a CD to an ipod touch?

First you put in the Cd to your computer or laptop. Then you sync your music from the Cd to your Itunes. Then after that you just drag the songs you want from the Cd to your Ipod touch in the folder. Unless you don't have your own folder then you have to create one and then go to Ipod touch on the computer screen and go to music then press sync at the bottom.

How to get mixtapes on my iPod?

Plug your ipod into the computer. Go to a site like download the mixtape you want and then it will transfer to a folder on your computer than open iTunes and drag and drop that folder into an iTunes playlist and then drag and drop the playlist into your iPod