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Tap Tap Revenge happened in 2008.
Yes, Tap Tap Revenge 3 is available.
only tap tap revenge 4
Tap tap revenge 3 definitely
Tap Tap Revenge was created on 2008-07-11.
It depends on what version you want: Tap Tap Revenge 3.0 is free!!! Tap Tap Revenge 2.6 (the older version) costs 0.99$ Tap Tap Revenge Classic (Extremely old version) costs 1.99$
tap tap revenge coldplay
It wouldn't be easy to look for Tap Tap Revenge on the computer, plus, you might even have to pay for it on the computer. It should be much easier if you get it on the phone. It's available any where except Android. The only version of Tap Tap Revenge for free is Tap Tap Revenge 4. You can still buy the others, Tap Tap Revenge 3 is the best because you can easily hack on it but you can't on Tap Tap Revenge 4. But Tap Tap Revenge 4 is the most popular version now because its for free. If you have an Iphone you might be able to get Tap Tap Revenge from your computer to your phone. It depends, like I have a Samsung Galaxy and I just get my apps from the Market (Android). You can still try and get it with other phones but an Iphone will be easier.
Tap Tap Revenge 3.
By Buying them :3