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Try burning a backup copy of your music and ripping the backup copy to your computer.

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Q: How do you get a itune to your iPod from the purchased section on iTunes?
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How do you get quicktime videos on your iPod?

You can drag QuickTime videos from your files to the iTunes movies section, and then sync your iPod with iTunes to get it on your iPod.

What do you do when your ipod touch screen has the usb and itune on the screen?

You need to plug it into your computer and if you haven't done so already, download iTunes.

How do you get the songs that you have bought over Wi-Fi on your iPod Touch onto your iTunes on your laptop?

This may or may not work. Plug in your iPod Touch and connect to iTunes as you normally would on your laptop. Then, go to the music section of your iPod in the iPod menu in iTunes. Then, drag all of those songs to the Music section on iTunes that is not in the iPod menu.

How do you sync your song to your iPod in iTunes?

When your ipod in the computer it usually does it for you automatically, but if it doesn't then just go to devices section by where your purchased songs section is. Then afer you click on Alexa's ipod or whatever your name is. Then in the bottom right corner of the page it will say sync then you click on it then it puts the songs on your ipod and that's it.

You have music on your old ipod that you had purchased from itunes and you want that same music for your new ipod do you have to purchase it again?

it should be in your itunes librery

How do you download applications using iTunes on an ipod touch initially?

mmm if on a computer with the ipod connected, open itunes go to itunes store and go to the apps section. if on the ipod is from the app store

Can you get games onto an ipod using LimeWire?

No. Games for iPod can only be purchased through the iTunes Store and are installed and managed via iTunes.

If you make an account on your ipod touch on one computer can you download music from another computer without having to only get music from the computer you made an account with?

If you have iTunes on 1 computer and want to get songs from another iTune on a new computer onto your iPod, you can't. You can delete all the songs on your iPod and start again on the new iTunes, but you cant combine 2 iTune libraries. This is for all iPods, not just the iPod touch. You have to download it all again. Hope this was what you meant.

How can you get music from your iPod to your computer?

Go on Itunes, then plug in your ipod. When it has been recognized, click on your iPod link on Itunes with the right button (right click ), then choose " Transfer Purchased items" and it should load up you purchased songs and apps.

How do you put your purchased app onto your itunes library?

sync the ipod

How do you put itune songs onto your ipod?

To put a song on your Apple device, you must first put it on iTunes. You can do that buy importing a mp3 file from your computer, or purchasing it from iTunes directly. Then you can sync iTunes with your device which copies the songs onto it.

How do you put purchased music from Apple onto your iPod?

You sync your music to the iPod with the iTunes software (See links below). If you have an iPod Touch you can use the iTunes app on the iPod to purchase music directly onto the iPod.