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U have to download dreamboard

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Q: How do you fix make it mine on iPod?
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How do you get rid of your ipod jailbreak and get rid of your make it mine adjustment?

To get rid of the iPod jailbreak, restore your iPod through iTunes.

How do you fix iPod shuffle dock?

ooh just bin the dick head... mine broke couldn't be fixed tho.

How do you fix my iPod Nano from freezing?

Mine does the same thing, it's best to take it into the store where you got it and they might be able to help.

What store can fix your iPod video?

You can take your ipod to any apple store. They should have a help counter and you can make an appointment in the store or online to get your ipod checked out.

What if wifi is working on your brothers ipod but wont connect with mine?

ipod to ipod connection is normally made using bluetooth... make sure your bluetooth is not off... settings/general/bluetooth

How do you fix a corrupt u2 edition ipod?

To fix a corrupt U2 Edition iPod, you can try restoring it using iTunes. Connect the iPod to your computer, open iTunes, select the iPod, and choose the option to restore it. This will erase all data on the iPod, so make sure to back up any important files before proceeding.

How to fix an iPod?


Where can you fix an iPod?

What do you do if your iPod's broken?

fix it

Does the apple store repair ipod touches?

If you are not out of warranty then yes if you are then no it depends on what happened to your ipod if apple cant fix it they will give you the same gen of the same ipod brand new and if they can fix it then they will fix it and give it back to you

What do you do after you make the kite and fix the duck in club penguin?

In this mission, after you make the kite, attatch a sensor to it and attatch it to the pole on the ski hill. (Make sure the duck is inflated.) Then put a sensor on top of the duck and go to any place with water. (Ice berg, dock, etc.) Put the duck in the water. Then go to the Mine Shack. Fix the trough for Rory, then fix the mine cart. Put a sensor in the mine cart and send it down the mine.

How do you fix your iPod?

you should just should take the ipod back to the store you got it from and see if they can fix it of just exchange.