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download Media Manager for Walkman from the Sony internet site and you can delete photos and manage all your Walkman photos,videos and music

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Q: How do you delete photos from your Sony walkman?
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How do you delete videos on your Sony walkman mp3 player?

Go to your sync results in the Windows Media Player and the videos will be there. For my sony walkman, the videos on the sync results are at the very bottom. Just right click the video you want to delete and click delete! .

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click on organiser then click in file manaager then camera albulm then options delete

Do you capitalize Sony walkma n?

Yes, "Sony Walkman" should be capitalized because it is a brand name.

How do you record on the Sony walkman?

Yes, you can. The proof is on the sony website.

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A Sony S2 Sports Walkman can be purchased online from the auction website eBay. The Sony S2 Sports Walkman is also offered for sale on Amazon's website.