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If he's unwilling to put what happened in the past, there's not really much of a future with him. The tensions between you two, either just about the pregnancy or other issues as well, will continue to cause resentments and arguments.

You can't change the way someone acts, nor can you fix a problem if someone else doesn't want to work with you on fixing it.

Rough, meaning what? Rough because of the termination or because of life in general or the situation with your relationship?

Men can be so self centered and only into themselves. They think they have it rough and can only handle so much in life, while women can juggle so much.

If the termination was rough on him, obviously he cares/cared about you. Hopefully, he was there for you prior to the procedure and after. But men do not have any concept of what women go through mentally/emotionally/and physically with that procedure. If he wasnt there for you, maybe he is caring some guilt and the only way he knows is to act the way he is; selfish, self centered, and only into himself.

Did you both agree on having your pregnancy terminated? Is he blaming you?

It sounds like he does have some guilt about the situation. Give him time, and maybe he will come around. But you need to tell him what you are going through as well. You need to tell him you need his support, emotionally.

When I terminated my pregnancy, the clinic told me that most couples who go through this procedure do not stay together. There is guilt, remorse, and seeing one another on reminds them of what they did. Most couples can not get past the guilt. We were one of those couples.

Good Luck and my heart goes out to you.

If he is taking the termination so rough, why did you have your pregnancy terminated? And if he is acting selfish, why would you want to fix this relationship?

If it is meant to be he will turn all this around. It sounds to me, you two need to talk. You need to tell him how you feel and he needs to tell you how he does. Most men find it difficult to communicate on how they feel. Maybe he is dealing with guilt, or its something more.

Talk to him, and make him talk to you. If he cant, then let him go.

Sorry. I hope you work this out.

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Q: How can you fix a broken relationship if you got pregnant by your ex-partner and had a termination and have since broken up and he's acting selfish like he's the only one who's had it rough?
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