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delete them from your iTunes libaray then update your iPod.

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15y ago

Go to the iPod page in iTunes, then check the box that says "sync only check items" after this go to your library and uncheck the songs you don't want on your iPod, then just sync your iPod.

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Will updateing my iPod delete songs?

No, updating an iPod will not delete anything on your iPod.

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Plug in your iPod and open up iTunes on your computer. Then, there are two ways you can go from here. You could either go through each individual song, select each repeat, and then delete them all at once, or you could delete all the songs on your iPod and re-sync the iPod with iTunes with the songs you want to be on there.

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you press the delete botton

How do you delete songs from an iPod?

You cannot delete songs directly from iPod Touch. You must connect it to iTunes. Go to the music section of your iPod and right mouse click on the songs you want to delete and click delete. Then, safely eject it through iTunes to make sure the process will work.

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unfortunatly there is no way to delete songs from the iPod touch itself to delete songs you need to do it through iTunes.

How do you delete music from a ipod?

You have to delete the songs from iTunes on your computer first,then sync your songs.

How do you delete multiple songs from iPod nano?

You must connect your iPod and open up iTunes, and delete the song from there, then sync the iPod.

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How To Delete Songs on iPod?

You need to delete it from your Itunes account.

How do you delete songs off your ipod theres a lock sign on the bottom that wont let you?

You can't delete directly from your ipod, delete the songs of itunes and then sync your ipod. A pop up will come up telling you there are songs on your pod not on itunes click no or never

Can you delete songs off a jail broken ipod touch?

Yes, you can delete songs off of a jailbroken iPod Touch (but only through iTunes).