In Gaia, you can change text color by using HTML/CSS. You would use the style attribute within the text element and set the color property to the desired color value. For example: Text here will change the text color to red.
the text cannot be resized
To change the text color in DarkBASIC, you can use the Ink command followed by the RGB color values. For example, to set the text color to red, you would use Ink RGB(255,0,0). Then, any text printed after this command will display in the specified color.
YES!The most remembered is yellow!
You can change color of text in gmail. Go to settings in the upper right corner. Select Labs and select Default Color styling to change color.
The attribute color :)
One can change the font or text color in Photoshop by first clicking the Text tool button. Then when the Text toolbar appears, click the color palette button and select the color wanted.
To change the credit text color in Windows Movie Maker:> Once you've got your credit text placed, click on change the text font and color> Click the 'A' button below the word Color> A color menu appears. Choose a color, then click Ok.
hi dear
Type /color, hit enter, and your text will change to a different color, that which is displayed in the chat box, stating "This is your new chat color."
You cannot change the text colour on WeeWorld because it already has it's own different text set. Sorry that I wasn't heaps of help. I REALLY wish you could change the text and all.
Go to font color or press f1 to change the color to highlight the text