Klipsch s5i kinda up there in price but exactly what you're looking for
Pioneer makes some good quality equipment. You can check them out at pioneer.com to see what they have to offer.
Depends on what you call good. They are monitor headphones, a boomy bass wont be present. I have one, the bass is OK, not overly boomy and no lacking either. Just right amount to reflect true sound.
Beats headphones offer a lot (if not the most) on most bass, but are not as good for mid range sound. They are unbalanced, focusing heavily on bass and design rather than an all around headphones that deliver even, balanced sound. There good for listeners who listen to a lot a rap, hip hop, etc. (any music that involves a lot of "beats", which is why they named there headphones that and is what they focus on.)They are overpriced headphones since they dont deliver the kind of sound quality you would normaly find in 200-300 dollar headphones ( you can check reveiws on amazon) . If you want a cheap, compairable good quality headphones, take a look at(on amazon) Sony MDRZX300/BLK Outdoor Headphones
Depends on what you are using the headphones for. If you are in to very clear, crisp music with deep bass, or, you are a DJ, even the solos are professional grade headphones. But if you're just wanting a DECENT pair of headphones and don't really care if there good or not, than get souls.
They are good if you like loud music.
The best headphones i hear are the Dr.Dre. They have good bass and they can blast pretty hard but they are expensive
AKG Audio Technica Sony Beyerdynamic These are all good brands for headphones. They produce a very true professional sound and do no falsely enhance frequencies like other headphones such as beats by dre (these are good for entertainment) which auto boosts bass frequencies. Skullcandy isn't bad either but more for a consumer just needing headphones to listen to music.
If you like a lot of bass then you should buy them although they cost around $20.
SX bass guitars, rondo music .com
Fernandez makes good bass guitars to play metal music.
www.ultimate-guitar.com have some really good bass and guitar tabs and chords.
There are a few places where one can find good Drum and Bass music. This includes reading blogs dedicated to Drum and Bass, as well as asking in forums for tips.