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No you can't. I've been trying and trying but there is no button or anything. I'm sorry:(

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Q: For iPod Touch on sims 3 can a sim get pregnant?
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Can your sim have a baby on Sims 3 iPod touch?

No. But you can have baby's on Sims 3 ambitions.

Can your sim get pregnant on the iPod touch app?

Yes after you have sex

How do you get your Sim pregnant on your iPod Touch?

You can't get pregenet or adopt children on sims three for iPod touch. You can on sims for the computer, though. If you would like to there, relax in bed with a spouse and " Try for Baby" should become one of the options. Even though you can't have children on your iPhone/iPod Touch, there's many other things to discover.

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How do you export a sim from the normal Sims 3 to Sims 3 wa on iPod touch?

you can not because on normal sims 3 they have different faces and clothes

Can you get pregnant on sim ambitions on iPod touch?

No, only on the CD-Rom disc, Sorry! :(

How do you get a nude sim on sims 3 for ipod touch?

You have to do all wishes then divorce your spouse and be gay or lesbian

Is there a Sims 3 for the iPod nano?

No there is not. There is a Sims d.j. Sim pool or Sim bowling

In what Sims game for the PSP can your sim get Pregnant?

You can get your sim pregnant in Sims 2 Apartment Life and Sims 2 Double Deluxe.

How do you get married on sims 3 ambitions on ipod touch?

Ur sim has to be in a relationship dirt but start by flirting ok p

Can vampires be pregnant on The Sims 3?

Yes Vampire Sims can become pregnant in the sims 3. In fact vampirism is genetic in sims 3. eg: Sim+Vampire= Sim/Sim/Vampire/Vampire Sim+Sim=Sim Vampire+Vampire=Vampire

How do you make a sim pregnant on sims two pets on playstation2?

You actually can not get a Sim pregnant in Sims 2 Pets.