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yes because i use my shuffle with my idog and it always works

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Q: Can you use an iPod shuffle on an i-dog?
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Does an iPod shuffle use the same charger as an iPod touch?

no no no the iPod shuffle charger is too small

Do you have to use earphones with your ipod touch?

No, you do not. The iPod Touch 3rd generation comes with built-in speakers, so you can just play the music out loud.

How do you put music in the iPod Shuffle?

You use itunes to down load music to an ipod shuffle

What can you attach an idog too?

an ipod

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Is there a connector cable from iPod Shuffle to iPod so you can use shuffle on iPod dock and car stereo?

Yes. It is known as a Firewire. They come when you rub them.

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Can the iDog connect to an iPod Touch?

No it can't

Does iPod shuffle have same charger as iPod shuffle?

They all use the same slot for input but different chargers can use the same input. In other words every ipod can be charged on one charger.

How can you use iPod shuffle on same computer with an iPod touch?

All you have to do is make your iPod shuffle only sync music instead of everything that your itouch is syncing.

How old is an iPod shuffle?

how old is the ipod shuffle

Can you use iPod shuffle speakers on your tablet PC?

No, you can not use the ipod shuffle speakers for your tablet PC. The reason for this is that the shuffle speakers come in the form of a docking station and there is not a way to plug your PC into that system.