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No - if you select "sync only selected items" (lists etc.) then you can choose what playlists load: top 100 played or 90's music or "Rockin Down the Road list". The only time there is a problem is when you have already filled the iPod, then you can't do anymore palylists.

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Q: Can you sync only one playlist on your ipod at a time?
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Your Ipod is register on iMac can you still use Windows?

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I made myself a separate folder called "ipod sync", then in iTunes, click on your iPod, click on the Photos tab, and select that folder. Then, to sync, just drag and drop the photos you want on your iPod/iPhone into that folder. The next time you sync your iPod, the photos will be on it.

Can I delete songs from iTunes without deleting them from my ipod?

Yes, but the next time you sync your iPod with iTunes they will be erased from your iPod.

How do you sync iPod with a new computer?

It should sync automatically, but if it doesn't remove your Ipod from the computer, close Itunes, and try again. If that doesn't work, re-connect your Ipod to the computer, and re-open Itunes. Then click on your Ipod's name and click Sync.

How do you put songs on an ipod?

First, put the CD with the songs you want into your computer. Your iTunes library should come up automatically once your iPod is synced in. On the songs you don't want from the CD, click the blue check marks beside them, and they will be canceled. All the rest will download on your iPod. Next, click "import CD" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Signals beside the songs you selected implying that the process is taking place. Once the green check marks come up beside them, it means that they are imported onto your iTunes library. DON'T click to listen to the ones that are being imported still, or they will not be fully imported. (Trust me; I've learned from experience). Finally, on the menu on the left, go to the "Recently Added" playlist. On that playlist is all the songs you just imported. For each song, drag and drop them onto your iPod playlist. You'll have to wait a while after you do this for each song. (Why? Because it has to sync your iPod, update the songs on the iPod, and sync the iPod again. I don't know why either.) Sadly, you can only do one CD at a time.

How do you remove music from your ipod?

If you remove the music from iTunes library, the next time you sync your ipod, it should remove the music.

My iPod has no songs but my Itunes account has many songs but it won't let me sync them on to my iPod?

Click the button on the left that says "Yourname's iPod". Then click on the music tab which is near the top of that bit, if your songs are not syncing and you want them to press the tick box that says Sync Music. Then next time you press sync they should appear on your iPod. :)

What happens if you sync your apps on your iPod?

When you sync your iPod Touch to iTunes, your music and your apps are synced into iTunes. Nothing happens to the apps, the best description I can think of for what it is would be a backup for all your files on your iPod. If something happens to your iPod, you can order a new one and sync it, and all of your apps and music from the last time you synced your iPod will be put onto it. That is why you are recommended to sync your iPod often, just in case something happens to it, whether your iPod gets its files deleted, or if it gets broken. To learn how to do this, look in the Related Questions below.

Can one activate the ipod touch on someones computer without there computer registering on the ipod touch?

The iPod Touch can only be sync'ed to one computer at a time. If you try to sync it with another computer, the existing music, videos etc will be removed.

How do you sync your iPod to a different computer?

An iPod can only be synced to one iTunes Library at a time (each computer has a different library). This means that, if you want to change the computer you manage your iPod with, it will need to be re-synced to the computer in question. To do this, connect your iPod to the computer you'd rather manage your iPod on. A popup from iTunes will say something along the lines of "This iPod is currently synced to a different Library. Would you like you sync this iPod to this Library instead?" Click Yes. After that, all the previous information from your other computer's iTunes Library will be erased and replaced with everything that you just synced your iPod with. From there, you can freely sync your iPod with that computer as you normally would.

How do you take Christmas songs off your IPod and put them back on at Christmas time and only play those songs?

The easy way to do what you want to do is to make a file called Christmas songs and list the songs in that file. It will stay on your IPod, but you just don't listen to them. You could also go in Itunes and uncheck the songs in your library that are Christmas songs. Do a sync of your library to your IPod and the songs will stay in the library, but not be on the IPod. When you want them back go in to Itunes and check them, sync, and they will be back on your IPod. If you want only Christmas songs you would check all the songs that are not Christmas and sync. Either way the songs stay in your Itunes library, but are not on the IPod.