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Absolutely. People could be taping you with their cameras on their phone while pretending to dial, text, etc. , or by wearing small hidden cameras attached to clothing or embedded into normal looking objects such as pens.

As far as the legality of goes, if you in public, you're fair game.

Another answer:Laws about taping apply to audio recordings (in 50 states), and voyeurism (which is covered in only 24 states). You may not record phone calls or make other audio recordings of an individual without his consent, in 12 jurisdictions. Other jurisdictions allow audio taping if just one party consents. It's illegal everywhere to record a conversation in which you are not a participant. (In all jurisdictions, a court order can supercede the law.)

Video security cameras in public areas are legal everywhere.

The laws are not enforced if the person being taped doesn't complain. (And that "You can't record me without my permission" clause, unfortunately, makes it legal for cops to confiscate your camera if you record them beating the crap out of another citizen.)

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