The easiest way to get information from a cassette tape to a CD is to get a radio that has both a cassette player and a recordable CD. As the cassette plays it can be recorded onto the disc.
There is a compact disc Bose sound system replacement for the Bose cassette player. The compact disc player, can be mounted in the trunk of the car.
You can buy the speakers for your compact disc stereo cassette receiver at most electronic stores. The speakers can also be found in the classified ad section of your local newspaper.
The compact disc player, or CD player. I remember back when cassette tapes were still relevant, and the CDs took over!
No, burning any game then selling it is against the law.
Compact Discs were introduced in the early '80s to replace 8-Track and cassette tape formats.
Some boomboxes are still made with cassette decks, but you might have to do a fair amount of looking to fond one. Most boomboxes now come with compact disc players, and even connections for MP3 players.
The Halogen Lamp, Audio Cassette, Space War, Video Disc, Permanent Press Fabric. There are some more on the internet.
le cassette = the cassette / the tape / the cassette tape
Although the vast majority of car owners today use compact disc or I-pod technology for music in their cars, some people who own used cars from the 1980s and 1990s still use car cassette players.