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They can be bad for your hearing if they are putting out more than 105 dB. 10 minutes of noise at 105 dB can damage your hearing. Though minor damage can be repaired by itself, repeatedly getting minor damage adds up to major damage and hearing loss.

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Q: Are phone amplifiers bad for your hearing?
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Related questions

Do phone amplifiers work with the same technology as hearing aides?

Phone amplifiers are similar to hearing aids. The both enhance sounds to allow the listener better hearing.

Where can one purchase hearing amplifiers?

One can purchase hearing amplifiers at places like WalMart and Walgreen's. Here you can find a comprehensive selection of hearing amplifies and supplies to choose from.

What is the loudest decibel level for a phone amplifier?

Phone amplifiers can go up to 45 decibels, which is very loud. These amplifiers are generally used by people who are hard of hearing. Most amplifier companies sell different decibel levels so you should test out which one works for you.

Where can you purchase phone amplifiers?

One can purchase phone amplifiers at many electronic stores. Best Buy has a good selection of amplifiers to choose from. Most of these amplifiers are backed by a 90 day warranty.

Are there any phone amplifiers that are designed to work with hearing aids?

Yes, you can buy special headsets that connect directly or very near to your hearing aid. This allows direct sound without the reverb whine. Here is a website that carries several of these headsets:

What are Bad Cat tube amplifiers?

Bad Cat is a brand of music equipment. Their tube amplifiers are for guitars, and can be highly customized. They also carry with them a lifetime warranty.

Why are non linear amplifiers used in hearing aids?

To emphasize weak sounds and attenuate strong signs.

Does a volture have bad hearing?

yes they have very bad hearing

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What is a hearing impaired phone?

A hearing impaired phone, also known as a TTY (teletypewriter) or TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf), is a specialized phone that allows individuals with hearing loss to communicate via text messages instead of voice calls. These devices are equipped with a keyboard and display screen to facilitate written conversations.

Why do armidillos have bad hearing?

No, they have excellent hearing but poor eyesight.

What is the average price to pay for a hearing aid?

There's no "average price" for hearing aids, because the prices vary so widely. There are "amplifiers" at about $15, and there are digital units programmed by your audiologist, costing thousands of dollars.