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Q: Which term describes atype of discrimination or harassment where an employee receives unwelcome suggestive advances?
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Which term describes a type of discrimination or harassment where an employee receives unwelcome suggestive advances?

The term that describes this type of discrimination or harassment is "sexual harassment." It includes unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile work environment.

Which term describes the Department of the Air Force Zero Tolerance policy towards unwelcome conduct which creates an intimidating offensive or hostile environment?


What term describes the department of the air force zero tolerance policy towards unwelcome-conduct which creates an intimidating offensive or hostile work environment?

The term that describes the department of the air force zero tolerance policy towards unwelcome conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work environment is "Anti-Harassment Policy." This policy outlines the standards of behavior expected from all personnel and reinforces the commitment to maintaining a safe and respectful workplace free from harassment.

Why is the unwelcome touching of another person's body against the law?

No one has a right to touch another person unless the other person permits it. It's pretty personal to touch someones derriere and it's called, "sexual harassment." It is against the law to touch another person or make unwelcome sexual advances (touching, caressing, stroking) or requests because under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, this is considered as sexual harassment. If such actions or behavior is unwelcome or creates a hostile work environment to the other person, the one initiating such acts may be sued for sexual harassment. This is also considered as gender discrimination. In Canada, if the person complains to the police, it could even lead to an assault charge being pressed against the suspect, (or sexual assault if the prosecutor is very severe).

Definition of verbal sexual harrassment?

Verbal sexual harassment refers to unwelcome comments, jokes, or advances of a sexual nature that create a hostile or offensive work or social environment. This behavior can include explicit sexual comments, inappropriate jokes, or suggestive remarks that make the recipient feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or offended. It is a form of sexual harassment prohibited by law in many workplaces and social settings.

Is it Sexaul Harassment if your boss continually tells you stories about past sexual experiences?

Yes, if your boss continually tells you stories about past sexual experiences that can easily be sexual harassment. But it can depend on whether you as the recipient find the stories unwelcome, feel they are an effort or belittle you, or see them as an attempt to obtain sexual favors. You need to communicate to your boss, or to someone else in authority in your company, that this activity is ongoing and unwelcome.

What are the two types of sexual harrasment?

The two types of sexual harassment are quid pro quo harassment, which involves a situation where employment decisions are tied to the acceptance or rejection of unwelcome sexual advances, and hostile work environment harassment, which involves creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive due to sexual behavior.

What does sexually harassed mean?

Sexual harassment, is intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors. In some contexts or circumstances, sexual harassment may be illegal.

When is it appropriate to hire a sexual harassment attorney?

It is appropriate to hire a sexual harassment attorney when you feel that you are being violated and sexually harassed. If you contact an attorney and explain the situation, they will be able to tell you if you have a case that should be investigated.

This guy got a job at my workplace and wanted another coworker to sleep with him kept sneaking up behind me and poking me in the side 2 or 3 times a day Is this Sexual harassment?

It is sexual harrassment if it is unwelcome physical contact. However, he may not know it is unwelcome unless you tell him, or tell others (your manager, HR, etc.) who can tell him. If he continues to do that after you tell him to stop, he can be presumed to have been told it is unwelcome.

What can a person do if you are being harassed?

If you are being harassed, you can try to clearly communicate to the harasser that their behavior is unwelcome and ask them to stop. Document the harassment with dates, times, and details of the incidents. Depending on the severity of the harassment, you may need to involve HR at your workplace, contact local authorities, or seek support from a counselor or therapist.

What is the proper way to use the word unwelcome or unwelcome?

Use unwelcome simply as an adjective. By drinking too much he has made himself unwelcome at our house. The diagnosis of cancer was unwelcome news.