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Several companies used asbestos in various kinds of insulation form 1950 -1985. An answer to this question, listing brand names, would be excessively long.

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Q: Which company used asbestos in their insulation between 1950 -1985 and what was the name of the insulation?
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It is possible that a brand of Johns Manville Spintex rock wool insulation from the 1950s may contain asbestos. Asbestos was commonly used in insulation materials during that time period. To confirm if the specific product contains asbestos, it would be best to have it tested by a certified laboratory.

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Asbestos was typically used as a fireproofing material in drywall joint compound around 1950. Asbestos fibers are not visible to the naked eye in drywall, so it can be difficult to determine if asbestos is present without testing. If you suspect asbestos in your drywall, it's important to have a professional conduct testing and, if necessary, safe removal.

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Steve McQueen got mesothelioma from dealing with asbestos while he served in the military. McQueen served in the Marine Corps from 1947 until 1950. In that time, he removed asbestos lagging from pipes aboard a ship, causing his exposure. He was also likely exposed to it during his acting career on sound stages that used asbestos.

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