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Q: What type of management style do prefer in your supervisor?
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Type of management style do you prefer?

Democratic, Open Door, Open Minded, Common Sense, Fair and a good communicator

Ten types of management and management style?

Ten type of management

Describe the leadership style you prefer to adopt at work?

One type of leadership skill one may prefer to adopt at work would be a style where others see them hard at work and will do as they see you do.

How do i have a county supervisor investigated?

It will depend what specific type of supervisor and which county

How do you think management have evolved?

Management has evolved from an authoritarian type style of management to including employees in decisions. Many managers also manage by objectives to ensure that their employees reach their goals as well as the organization.

What type of people skill does an employee can give to the supervisor of the company for his new position?

For me,,, is interpersonal skills.. it is essential part to the employee in order to adjust or easily adapt his new environment which is having a new supervisor or new management or new administration. The employee should not be afraid to show his opinion to his supervisor and they need to clarify thing by asking the newly leader about his aim in the company.

What type of citation would you use for an English paper?

For an English paper, you would typically use MLA style citation format. Be sure to check with your instructor to confirm the citation style they prefer for the assignment.

What type of managemnet style do you work best with?

There are three philosophies of management that I subscribe to: 1. Situational Management - the style of management needs to adjust to the situation. 2. Management by Exception - typically 80% of an organization will run itself, so the manager needs to focus on the exceptions (the areas that are having problems). 3. Ideal Management - a manager should groom his organization to run itself. Remove the obstacles that prevent workers from getting their job done or that make them inefficient. Management is a non-contributive overhead for the company and should be eliminated whenever possible.

Does Taylor Lautner prefer brunettes?

He does not prefer any type of hair to another type of hair. It depends on the girls.

What type of style is music duranguense?

gangnam style

What is hard management and soft management?

The difference between hard management and soft management is broad. Both methods have been proven effective. The type of business can very often dictate the style of management required. Hard management is when the leader uses a strict code of behavior to manage the employees. High standards of performance are required under this management. This type of management is not harsh, but firm. Employees are kept on task and expected to perform the work in a timely fashion. Specific tasks are given and require specific performance. The manager maintains a respectful distance between employee and manager to better use his authority. Hard management is very practical and to the point. Companies that offer hard services are generally referring to the vital everyday physical needs of a company like electrical or asset management. The soft management style is more flexible and lenient. The management style is more friendly and more control is given to the employee to pick their own methods of operation. This way of doing business is more user friendly and humanistic in its approach. Companies with soft style management are more likely to give their employees creative license in their daily tasks. Soft managers provide their employees with broad guidelines and then let them lose to achieve their results in an unstructured manner. Companies that offer soft services are generally referring to the services that are not core type items but rather related to behind the scenes needs such as pest control and cleaning.

What exactly is software project management?

Software project management is a type of management that is used at software companies. This type oversees a project that is developing any type of software.