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The conjunction is "but", and it is a coordinating conjunction.

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Q: What type of conjunction is in this sentence He is not only a great player but also an exceptional coach?
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What is a conjunction sentence?

A conjunction sentence is a sentence that contains a conjunction, which is a word used to connect words, phrases, or clauses. For example, "I wanted to go to the store, but it started raining" is a conjunction sentence where "but" is the conjunction connecting the two clauses.

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When it's part of the title, it needs to be capitalized. I like Coach Jennings. In the following sentence you wouldn't need to capitalize coach. My coach is Mr. Jennings.

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The nouns are Mr. Gates, coach, team, Monday. There are no pronouns in your sentence.

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George Halas was a player and coach of the team in 1920 and took over control in 1921. He was a player, coach, and owner of the Bears from 1921 until he retired as a player after the 1928 season.

How can the word 'coach' be used in a sentence?

How can I coach my puppy back into the yard? Does your boarding ticket indicate First Class or Coach? It looks like we'll be needing another coach.

What is the subordinate clause in this sentence Jeff read the book on football strategies that the coach recommended?

"that the coach recommended."