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Q: What is concerned with activities related to previous current and potential employees of the organization?
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An excellent source of potential employees for entry-level positions in organization is through what?

temp services

Why is fairness a cornerstone of the compensation policy?

The fair compensation policy means the fair value of each job in the organization and clear process of reaching this fair value.

What does monitoring in an organization involve?

Monitoring refers to the assessment of the quality of internal control. Monitoring activities provide information about potential and actual breakdowns in a control system

What are the roles and responsibilities of middle?

There are four vital aspects of the middle management. Focus: * Concentrate effort where it's needed. * Focus the work of the organization on what's relevant and productive. * Motivate employees to do focus work. * Prevent work on things which aren't relevant or aren't productive. Align: * Coordinate efforts of the organization with peer groups or with other organizations. Support: * Support the employees of the organization by eliminating barriers to success. * Provide a good working environment. * Resolve any personal disagreements among the employees in order to maintain a positive working experience for everyone. * Represent the employees upward in the organization, so that outstanding employees can be recognized for their talents and potential. * Help a few employees to realize that they are better off working. Build: * Build the organization and its capabilities by hiring as needed and by training the employees who are there * Improve the individuals within the organization by increasing their talents and capabilities * Advance the careers of the individuals who work for you

What are the roles and responsibilities of middle managers?

There are four vital aspects of the middle management. Focus: * Concentrate effort where it's needed. * Focus the work of the organization on what's relevant and productive. * Motivate employees to do focus work. * Prevent work on things which aren't relevant or aren't productive. Align: * Coordinate efforts of the organization with peer groups or with other organizations. Support: * Support the employees of the organization by eliminating barriers to success. * Provide a good working environment. * Resolve any personal disagreements among the employees in order to maintain a positive working experience for everyone. * Represent the employees upward in the organization, so that outstanding employees can be recognized for their talents and potential. * Help a few employees to realize that they are better off working. Build: * Build the organization and its capabilities by hiring as needed and by training the employees who are there * Improve the individuals within the organization by increasing their talents and capabilities * Advance the careers of the individuals who work for you

What does potential suspicious activities mean?

Potential suspicious activities can sometimes lead to evidence or can sometimes turn out to be innocent.

What is Potential AppraisalWhat are the steps involved in potential appraisal?

Potential appraisal helps to identify what can happen in future so that it can be guided and directed towards the achievement of individual and organizational growth and goals. Therefore, potential should be included as a part of the performance appraisal in organisations.Potential appraisals are required to:inform employees about their future prospects;help the organization chalk out of a suitable succession plan;update training efforts from time to time;advise employees about what they must do to improve their career prospects.

There are how many phases of emergency management activities?

There are four phases of emergency management activities.• Mitigation: activities to lessen the severity and impact a potential disaster oremergency may have on its operation.• Preparedness: activities an organization undertakes to build capacity andidentify resources that may be utilized should a disaster or emergency occur.• Response: activity and organization enact to manage appropriate actions toensure the safety and security of patients, visitors, and staff.• Recovery: planned activities to re-establish the functions and structure of theorganization following a disaster or emergency.

What is growth theory concerned with?

I think it's potential outcome

Why is leadership important to an organization?

Leadership is important to an organization because it provides vision, direction, and motivation to the team. Strong leadership influences the company culture, drives organizational goals, and fosters innovation and growth. Effective leaders can inspire and guide employees to reach their full potential and achieve success.

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Does an employer ask if you have a Twitter account?

Now a days, more and more employees are asking employees, especially potential employees, about their social media presence, including Twitter. Many employers use Twitter to judge potential employment candidates' employability.