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Q: What is a contemporary leader?
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What is the meaning of contemporary leadership style?

a type of leader who uses his personal infleunce to motivate subordinates to achieve the goals set by him.

Who was zhuo Zedong?

There was no Chinese leader named Zhou Zedong. This could possibly be referring to Mao Zedong, founder of Chinese communism, and Zhou Enlai, another prominent 20th Century Chinese leader and contemporary of Mao.

Did galileo invent the themomiter?

Galileo Galilei did not invent the thermometer. The thermometer was actually invented by Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary Galileo's contemporary, Galileo Galilei. The thermometer was actually invented by Galileo's contemporary, Galileo's contemporary.

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Older is before contemporary

Who was contemporary of aryabhata?

Varahamihira was the contemporary of Aryabhata.

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what do you understand by contemporary sauces

What is the adjective form of the contemporary?

The word contemporary is both a noun and an adjective; for example:Noun: Your teacher is a contemporary of mine, we went to school together.Adjective: I like contemporary music.

How many years is contemporary?

There is no annual limit on contemporary.

What is the meaning of contemporary France?

France as it is at this time, is contemporary

What is opposite of contemporary?

The opposite of contemporary is antiquated or outdated.

What actors and actresses appeared in Schleyer - Eine deutsche Geschichte - 2003?

The cast of Schleyer - Eine deutsche Geschichte - 2003 includes: Kurt Biedenkopf as Contemporary witness Kai Hermann as Contemporary witness Hanns Martin Schleyer as himself Edzard Reuter as Contemporary witness Waltrude Schleyer as Contemporary witness Arnd Schleyer as Contemporary witness Joerg Schleyer as Contemporary witness Franz Steinkuehler as Contemporary witness Eberhard von Brauchitsch as Contemporary witness Christof Wackernagel as Contemporary witness Stefan Wisniewski as Contemporary witness Hans Wolfgang Hirschbrunn as Contemporary witness