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contact information about pension at EF huuton

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Q: What happened to the employee pension plan for the Employees of E F Hutton when they merged in 1986 or who is now the administrator for those employee's plans?
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If a supervisor accuses an employee of saying somethihing that an employee reported to her and it was untrue yet she assumed it to be correct is that defamation of character?

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You mean, if a store is having a sale on blue jeans can the employees buy them at that price? Certainly, the employees can take advantage of the advertisement. Most stores like their employees to buy things from them. What employees and their families CAN'T do--and this is by federal law--is enter contests intended for customers. In the old days, stores would have contests and the store owner's wife would enter. When the store owner's wife won, as usually happened, everyone wondered if the store owner didn't just dump all the entry blanks in the trash the night before the drawing. If a company wants to have a contest for its employees they can, but the employees can't enter contests for customers.

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In the U.S.:In the US, the first state has enacted legislation to make it mandatory for employees in some health care settings to take flu shots. New York State just signed this into law toward the end of September 2009. It is not yet clear if there are going to be exceptions for religious or other reasons why an employee may legally refuse (except when there are risks to the employees' health if the shot is taken) It is not legally required in Texas for health care employees to take flu vaccinations, but the state has mandated that employers must make the vaccinations available to those employees. The employee in Texas may refuse the flu shot, but if they do, the hospital may require that those employees wear protective devices to keep patients safe, such as face masks or respirators, at all times when on the premises.In Canada:This happened to my husband in his place of work in British Columbia, Canada and the employer cannnot make an employee take the flu shots and cannot fire an employee for refusing.There are some cases if you work in the medical field where you are warned before hired that you must take flu shots because you are dealing with people that are ill already. Other than this they can't force you!In the US employers can order employees to obtain flu shots if they are in the medical or care giving profession such as nursing homes, child care workers, home health care providers, and so forth.The exception is if such procedures are contrary to a person's religious or ethnic doctorine or would present a risk to the person's health.If the employee refuses whether or not they were given previous information of the requirement they can be legally terminated.

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The answer is NO! if you are an eligible employee. If this has already happened to you it is time to interview a few employment attorneys to discuss you options. You may have a viable suit against your employer. I suggest you keep a daily diary of everything that happens and your emotional feelings during this time. Covered employers must grant an eligible employee up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for one or more of the following reasons: * for the birth and care of the newborn child of the employee; FMLA 29 CFR 825.104 - Employers with over 50 full time employees are covered by this act. FMLA 29 CFR 825.110 - (a) An ``eligible employee'' is an employee of a covered employer who: (1) Has been employed by the employer for at least 12 months, and (2) Has been employed for at least 1,250 hours of service during the 12-month period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave, and (3) Is employed at a worksite where 50 or more employees are employed by the employer within 75 miles of that worksite. (See Sec. 825.105(a) regarding employees who work outside the U.S.) (b) The 12 months an employee must have been employed by the employer need not be consecutive months. This site will tell you more: I encourage you to read through this site to find your own answers.

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It is a Latin term which means "Let the master speak." In legal proceedings it is the idea that employees are simply agents of the employer, and the employer is accountable for the acts of his employees. Therefore, he must explain, justify, or defend the acts, rather than the employee. Unless it is demonstrated that the employee was deliberately disregarding the directions of the employer, the employer, not the employee, will be held to account for any harm that comes as a result of the acts of the employee. In a dental setting, if a dental assistant were to injure a patient during a procedure, and the assistant and dentist were hauled into court in a lawsuit, the assistant's attorney (yes, the employee should always have their own counsel) would claim "respondeat superior". The assistant was only acting on the direction of the dentist, and therefore it is the dentist that is responsible for the injury. While it may sound like the assistant has just thrown her boss under the bus, in legal terms, she is stating that she was not acting in an irresponsible way, and she was not free to ignore the direction of the dentist. The dentist, with his greater training and knowledge, is in a much better position to describe what happened and explain why it was not malpractice.