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Q: What does couselor mean?
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Is a couselor a person place or thing?

A counselor is a person, a common noun.

What is a couselor?

a person that listens to ur problems and try to help u.

Name 3 skills that a couselor needs to learn?

name some skills of your life

What is the importance of confidentiality?

it builds trust and security in others as well as respect! It is a responsibility of everyone, not just those in the workplace. A friend, teacher, family, couselor, everyone.

Which physicians are involved in the care of those with myopathy?

The physicians involved are a neurologist, a rheumatologist, an orthopedic surgeon, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist, an orthopedist, a dermatologist, a genetic couselor, physical/occupational therapist.

What is the Fastest way to be a RN?

The least expensive and fastest way to become an RN is to take required courses for a RN in which your guidance couselor will know at a community college. Tts an associates and then sign up for the nursing program which is a year.

Is it normal to bite yourself?

AnswerNo. Please go speak to a doctor about your issue. AnswerI would suggest to speak to a mental health couselor as there may be some psychological reasos why this happening, mainly anxiety, depression ect.

You want someone to talk to Will anyone answer?

There is always someone that is willing to listen, and respond. Whether it be a family member, a couselor, a friend, the lady at the cash register, your boss, your principle, a pastor or preist. There are many people that will be willing to listen to you and be willing to give you an answer.

Where can I learn how to quickly pay off my credit card debt?

Typically classes regarding paying off credit card debt are offered by community based organizations. The best bet for paying off credit card debt is to go see a credit couselor.

I just want to know the prognosis of hypomaniac depressive disorder?

You're asking about Bipolar Disorder ll. If you are seeing a psychiatrist or couselor and taking medications as prescribed, the prognosis is good. There are many well known people with high functioning Bipolar. But you must realize Bipolar is like diabetes, it's an illness you will have and need to treat all your life.

What actors and actresses appeared in Grampa - 1996?

The cast of Grampa - 1996 includes: Wanda Acuna as Friend Omar Alfano as Friend Fernando Arau as Grampa friend Anaika as Grampa girlfriend Ivan Barrios as Grampa friend Erika Ender as Grampa friend Alejandra Gutierrez as Couselor El Pibe Valderrama as Grampa friend Ruperto Vanderpool as Counselor

Is it sinful to like to duct tape your mouth?

No... just slightly strange. "Sinful" is one of those tricky words. Some people think it's "sinful" to work on the Sabbath. So it depends on your particular faith tradition. Duct taping your mouth is not inherently dangerous or abusive (since you're doing to yourself). Of course, if you find yourself doing it to the point of injuring yourself, you might want to discuss this with a sympathetic couselor.