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Q: What are two words that describe the character in Maniac Magee?
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What is an onomatopoeia in the book Maniac Magee?

In the book "Maniac Magee," the use of onomatopoeia includes words like "ka-boom" to describe a loud noise, "crash" to depict a collision, and "splish-splash" to mimic the sound of running water. These words help create vivid imagery and bring scenes to life for the reader.

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this sight sucks

What are 5 examples of onomatopoeia words in chapters Y of Maniac Magee?

Zoom - to describe fast movement or speed Crash - to describe a loud noise or impact Splash - to describe water hitting a surface Bang - to describe a sudden loud noise Whack - to describe a sharp hit or blow

What important things happened in Maniac Magee?

In "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli, the protagonist Jeffrey Magee (Maniac) experiences many significant events, such as running away from home, living with an African American family in racially divided town of Two Mills, and breaking down racial barriers by bringing people together. Maniac's story illustrates themes of friendship, race relations, and overcoming adversity.

What are Words to describe a girl's character that begin with o?

Obscene would describe someone's character. It begins with the letter o.

If you had to describe your character in 5 words what would those words be Ophelia?

HiMy name is Robyn and i would describe my character beautiful, crazy,happy,weird and very hyperactiveNow that would be my 5 words to describe my characterFrom Robyn

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What two words describe the character of the prophet?

truthful and trustworthy

What are appropriate words to describe a character?

Adjectives are words that describe so use adjectives. It depends on the character you are describing which ones you use. Some character describing adjectives are: happy sad haughty dependable unreliable trustworthy serious coldhearted

What major events are in chapters 12-21 in the book Maniac Magee?

In chapters 12-21 of "Maniac Magee," major events include Maniac rescuing a boy from a history test at school, meeting Amanda and cobbling for the Beales, confronting Mars Bar Thompson at the Little League game, and running away from Hector Street to the zoo. Maniac's interactions with the East End residents and his growing reputation as a legend are also important events during this section.

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What are Words to describe a man's character?

Honest, compassionate, respectful, and dependable.