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Q: Should The project sponsor and project champion should be the same person on any project?
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What is the difference between Project Owner vs Project Sponsor?

A Project sponsor is the individual or group who provides financial or management resources for the project. A sponsor has a major stake in the project and may take an active role on the project team from time to time.A Project manager provides day-to-day direction on a project and is usually seen as the person "in charge" of the project. The Project Manager may be the Project Owner, but, depending on the nature of the project, these positions can be held by different people

Examples of project proposal?

Contrary to popular belief, the Project Manager is not the only person that should create the Project Proposal. The project proposal can be created by a marketing person or a project sponsor as well.Posting an example here is too much, you may want to check this:

Does a sponsor have to be the same sex as the person being confirmed?

No, a sponsor can be male or female, so a boy can have a female sponsor and a girl can have male sponsor if they choose. The sponsor should be practicing Catholic who has received Confirmation, age 16 or more, and not a parent.

How do you sponsor a person from another Country that comes to the US?

How do you sponsor a person coming from another country to the US

Who is Hudson's sponsor?

a person

Can one person be a sponsor for two candidates for confirmation?

Yes, one person can be sponsor for up to two candidates.

Who is Henry Hudson's sponsor?

a person

How do you spell the word sponcer?

There is no such word, or a need for one. The word "sponsor" is already a noun applied to a person, group, or company.

What is sponsored and non sponsored category?

To sponsor a category is to provide funds for support on a project, an activity, or to a person. A non sponsored category is one that requires no financial support or that could be independently funded.

Does baby need godparents to be baptized in catholic church?

No........but the baby should have a sponsor IF POSSIBLE. The Sponsor is appointed by the Parents (or Parent), or whoever stands in their place, or failing that, by the Parish Priest or Minister of Baptism. The Sponsor must be at least 16 years of age and a baptised catholic, but in an emergency situation, the age rule can be adjusted but that person must be a baptised catholic. A person of another faith can be a sponsor only if there is a catholic sponsor present as well and only as a witness. There is no mention of god parents grandparents in the Code of Church law relating to baptism.

Can your godparent be your confirmation sponsor?

Yes indeed, your godparent can be your Confirmation Sponsor. However, your godparent does not have to be your Confirmation Sponsor. It can be anyone who exemplifies leading a good Christian life. You might pick a family member, neighbor, favorite teacher, or if you have a special bond with the person you could even ask a nun or priest. However, this person should be someone you see often throughout your life.

Who can be a sponsor at confirmation?

Usually the young person's godparents.