It is called a mentee. A mentee is a person who is guided by a mentor.
A mentor should always be a person who has greater experience than the mentee.
Which type of feedback is used by the mentor in his own words to demonstrate understanding of the mentee's ideas
When a mentor motivates a mentee during a stressful situation, the mentor is exhibiting support. Support is an important part of any mentor relationship. Most people who seek a mentor, do so with the intent on finding someone who us supportive and understanding.
Allow the mentee to schedule one-on0one meetings at any time
Allow the mentee to schedule one-on0one meetings at any time
The antonym of mentor is mentee. Whilst not entymologically correct, the OED has accepted this as an appropriate antonym.
A mentor is a counselor or guide or advisor
Which type of feedback is used by the mentor in his own words to demonstrate understanding of the mentee's ideas
Which type of feedback is used by the mentor in his own words to demonstrate understanding of the mentee's ideas