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In all most all cases there are employees.

Unless they operate there own business will all that entails.

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Q: Is apartment complex resident manager an independent contractor?
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How do you use residency in a sentence?

He is a resident of the apartment complex.

Who is liable if a resident of an apartment complex car was damaged by the apartments pool furniture during a storm?

You are. That's why you have car insurance.

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The Apt. comp. is responsible!!!!!

When was The Apartment Complex created?

The Apartment Complex was created in 1999.

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Residents Need Security Most in Apartment Complexes. At Neighbium, we offer smart visitor management solutions in order that you get rid of obviate writing and capturing details during a visitor book, reduce the time and efforts to enroll visitors. We assist you to form the proper choice for your apartment complex security.

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The duration of The Apartment Complex is 1.82 hours.

Will an apartment complex do a credit check if I'm a new tenant?

It differs from apartment complex to apartment complex. But apartment complexes should do a credit check to make sure that they will be getting their money from their tenants.

What does the British English word block of flats mean?

Block of flats = apartment building or apartment complex.

When was Kensington Gardens Apartment Complex created?

Kensington Gardens Apartment Complex was created in 1942.

What actors and actresses appeared in Apartment Complex - 2011?

The cast of Apartment Complex - 2011 includes: Hillary Johns as Lauren

Can an apartment complex let you into your dads apartment if you are not on the lease?

Not without a court order.

Is an apartment complex owner and the resident manager required to pay income tax on the free apartment the manager gets even though it is not recorded on a 1099 W-2 or any other form?

Providing the compensation as a car, a 'gift' or housing (or even an employee cafeteria that has reduced costs because the employer subsidizes it), is absolutely taxable. (Yes, there may be some exceptions, which all come with a list of qualifications to be met). The form of reporting is dependent on the relationship with the one getting the benefit...if they are employees on a W-2 it is reflected in that as an employee fringe benefit, and is subject to FICA, etc. If they are an independent contractor, paid on a 1099, it would be reflected there.