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Yes, indeed. Michele Obama has a staff of at least 22 with a combined salary of at least $ 1.6 million.

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Q: Does the first lady have a staff?
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Who has had the most staff for a first lady?

Nancy Regan

What is Michelle Obama's salary?

As First Lady she receives no salary. She does however have an actual office and an official staff. The Office of the First Lady is a part of the Executive Office of the President and is staffed by a Social Secretary, a Press Secretary and a Chief of Staff plus such notables as a flower designer and the White House Executive Chef.

How much does Michelle Obama pay her staff?

ZERO..NADA...ZILCH the staff are paid by taxpayers on a line budget ! The President doesn't pay anything out of his salary for subsistance which includes food, travel, parties and whitehouse functions ! Its all paid by taxpayers.

How many paid staff members does Michelle have?

In 2010, reports said Mrs. Obama had 24 staff members. Some of President Obama's political opponents claimed this is the most staff-members ever by a First Lady, but that is not true. President Bush's wife Laura had 26 staff members working for her during her husband's second term.

What does the Constitution say about the first lady?

Nothing. The Constitution does not mention the First Lady.In practice, the First Lady has a ceremonial function because the President is the head of state, and sometimes may unofficially stand in for her husband in those types of ceremonial roles. Although she has no role in governing, the First Lady does hold some moral power because of her high visibility and most First Ladies chose several issues which they and their staff work on (for instance, childhood literacy).

If she's first lady are the kids first kids?

No. The first lady is not the real first lady. They call the president's wife the first lady. So if Mitt Romney was the president, his wife would be the first lady. So the first lady's kids are not the first kids

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