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Q: A new Equipment Custodian will be appointed when primary and alternate are absent simultaneously for a minimum of how many calendar days?
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What is a Person appointed by a court as custodian of a party's assets called?


Can the executor and alternate executor share duties?

Of course the alternate can volunteer to assist the court appointed executor in the fulfillment of her duties. However, the alternate has no legal power and will not be entitled to any compensation.

When are UDM appointment letters re-accomplished?

When a new UDM (Primary/Alternate) is appointed

Can the alternate on a trial take the place of someone?

An alternate juror will be appointed to the regular jury if one of the primary jurors falls ill and/or is excused by the judge from further attendance. If there is more than one alternate, the alternate juror chosen first will be assigned first.

The executor of an estate died. An alternate executrix was named in the will. Does the estate become part of the executor's estate?

No. The property is not a part of the estate of the executor.The court must be notified of the death and a successor must be appointed. The court will appoint the alternate as long as they are willing to serve.No. The property is not a part of the estate of the executor.The court must be notified of the death and a successor must be appointed. The court will appoint the alternate as long as they are willing to serve.No. The property is not a part of the estate of the executor.The court must be notified of the death and a successor must be appointed. The court will appoint the alternate as long as they are willing to serve.No. The property is not a part of the estate of the executor.The court must be notified of the death and a successor must be appointed. The court will appoint the alternate as long as they are willing to serve.

What is the difference between a guardian and a custodian?

A guardian is typically appointed to make legal, financial, and health decisions for a minor or incapacitated person. A custodian, on the other hand, manages and oversees the assets or property of another person, often a minor, until they reach a certain age. A guardian has broader decision-making authority while a custodian generally has a more limited role related to managing assets.

What is the difference between a trustee and a custodian?

A custodian is always a person; one who has charge of something (a caretaker) of a minor child's estate or an absentee landlord's property. The custodian does not hold title to the property. A trustee is often an institution such as a bank, that holds legal title to a property in order to administer it for a beneficiary, or can be a member of a board elected or appointed to direct the funds and policy of an institution. [source: this information reprinted from Answers.Com]

What is the meaning of curator?

One who has the care and superintendence of anything, as of a museum; a custodian; a keeper., One appointed to act as guardian of the estate of a person not legally competent to manage it, or of an absentee; a trustee; a guardian.

Who is usually appointed executor of a will?

The will normally names an alternate executor who would take over if the first executor dies or declines the appointment. The alternate executor would petition the probate court for appointment. In the event there is no alternate named, or if that alternate does not want to or cannot be appointed, then one of the residuary legatees under the will may petition for appointment as "administrator cum testamento annexo" or "administrator with the will annexed". All of the residuary legatees have the right to be appointed, so they will all have to agree on a successor. No will shall fail as a results of the executor not being available. The court will appoint an attorney (at attorney rates!) or a bank to be the executor if no other interested person is available.

To whom must the COR submit their appointment letters for RC?

The Records Custodian (RC) is appointed via letter signed by the Chief of Reocrds (COR). It is provided to the Functional Area Records Manager (FARM) but addressed to the Base Records Manager.

Can a different person other than a legal guardian be appointed over a minor's estate?

Yes, a court can appoint a different individual, such as a relative or a trusted adult, as a guardian or conservator over a minor's estate if the legal guardian is unable or unwilling to fulfill their duties. This decision is based on what is in the best interest of the minor.

How does one decline being an executor of a will?

You file a Declination with the court and the alternate executor named in the will is next in line to be appointed. If there is no alternate executor named in the will or if the alternate cannot or will not serve as executor then the court will appoint one. "Residuary legatees" in most states have a prior right to be appointed over "family members" because the residuary legatees are the ones that have a stake in the outcome of the administration of the estate. A "family member" simply by being a family member, may not have an interest in the estate, such as where a child has been disinherited, and would most likely not qualify to be appointed. On the other hand, if all the interested parties to the will assent, any family member capable of serving or a non-related person or financial services company may be appointed such as an attorney, trust department of a bank, accountant, financial consultant, favorite uncle, etc. You should seek the advice of an attorney if the estate needs to be probated. The estate needs to be probated if there are any assets that were owned by the decedent.