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Q: Who was the most to be arrested during the red scare?
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What are the causes and effects of the red scare?

The Red Scare was a fear of communists that Americans had. It was caused by the Russian royal family being overthrown and then murdered. The effects of the Red Scare was a campaign to stop communism during which many people were arrested.

What name was given to the raids during the 1920s in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

the red scare raids

Was the crucible written during the red scare?

The Crucible was not written during the Red Scare, but later on in response to the brutality of the Red Scare.

What is a witch hunt and how did it happen during the red scare?

red scare very importnat.

The most tenacious pursuer of radical element during the red scare?

mitchell palmer

How many people died during the Red Scare?

no one died as a result of the "Red Scare"!

What does the red mean during the Red Scare?


Who was the most tenacious pursuer radical during red scare?

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer

What caused the red scare What was its result?

The Red scare was the fear of the spread of communism during the cold war.

What were Americans afraid of during during the red scare?


What field of work was persecuted most during the red scare?

The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, was one of the fields of work most persecuted during the Red Scare. Many actors, directors, and writers were blacklisted or accused of being communists, leading to the ruins of many careers and lives.

What promoted the hysteria during the red scare?

it was mcarthyism