obviously no one that actually gets a salary. people that make money do it by owning businesses or trading stocks things like that and the people at the top don't get a salary they get to keep the profits of the company... like Bill Gates or they can be like steve jobs and re invest it into the company and use it to make more money but since it is in the company you aren't known as having the most money because technically you don't
Andy Shay
Alex rodriguez
Yes, a salaried person become the director in a One Person Company , there are no legal bondages in this but you have to go through with your employment agreement if it contains any restrictions on doing so.
boston, chicago, detroit,
Yes, a salaried person becomes a Partner, there are no legal bondages in this but you may have to go through with your employment agreement if it contains any restrictions on doing so.
Future Capital Holdings offered V. Vaidyanathan Rs. 50 Crores package. This is two times more than the Mukesh Ambani's annual salary.
bill gates
Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers is the highest salaried player in the NBA, with a yearly salary of almost 25 million dollars.
8 feet
8 feet, 10 inches