Daniel London is an actor in Liberty Mutual commercials.
The actor is Casey Lee who also starred in the movie White Chicks.
Actor in valspar commercial
The actor's rate for TV commercials is $592, plus $107 for each time the commercial is aired.
The name of the actor in the GEICO Man Made of Money commercial is not stated. It is stated that Jake Wood a British actor is the current voice of the GEICO gecko.
Eho is the actor on the aarp commercial
Josh Holloway is the actor in the Bresnan commercial.
The actor's name is Southey Blanton.
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Which one? My friend Charlie was in one of the Verison commericals about family saving money.
Jason Gerhardt is the actor in the new Droid Razor commercial.
Jesse Teeters is the actor in the Tide Princess Dress Commercial. source: www.jesseteeters.com