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The Pope However, the term did not come into common use until many years after Peter died.

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Q: Who is given the titles Successor of Saint Peter and Prince of the Apostles?
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What is the title now used principally to refer to the pope of the Catholic Church?

Below is a list of titles currently in use by the Pope. Normally, just "the Pope" is used, and when addressing him, "Your Holiness" is used.Papal Titles:- His Holiness The Pope;- Bishop Of Rome And Vicar Of Jesus Christ;- Successor Of St. Peter, Prince Of The Apostles;- Supreme Pontiff Of The Universal Church;- Patriarch Of The West;- Servant Of The Servants Of God;- Primate Of Italy;- Archbishop And Metropolitan Of The Roman Province;- Sovereign Of Vatican City State;

Who are the modern-day successors of the Apostles?

A:The Church considers its bishops to be the successors of the apostles. At first, there was no particular bishop designated as the specific successor to Peter. Pope Anicetus (156-166), during the course of a theological argument with the venerable Polycarp of Smyrna, claimed that Peter had travelled to Rome to lead the Christians there and had been beheaded in Rome, meaning that he (Anicetus) spoke with the authority of Peter. From this time forward, the bishops of Rome increasingly insisted that they were the successors of St Peter, until it is now an article of faith that they are.

Who was Peter the Great Tsar of Russia's successor?

Catherine I was Peter the Great's successor.

Why is Peter important to the Catholic faith?

Catholics believe that Jesus appointed Peter to be His representative on Earth and to teach Christians. The pope is the successor of Peter and continues to represent Jesus on earth by teaching.

How did Saint Peter know that he was chosen as a successor of Judas?

Saint Peter and the other apostles prayed for guidance and cast lots to choose Judas' replacement, following the Old Testament tradition. Matthias was then chosen by lot to replace Judas as one of the Twelve Apostles.

Who was the leader of apostles?

Peter was the leader of the apostles

What saint is the pope successor to?

The pope is the successor to St. Peter the Apostle.

How did Saint Peter know that he was to choose successor for Judas?

He knew Our Lord had intentionally chosen 12 apostles, one for each of the 12 tribes of Israel, and thought it only proper to continue the practice.

How did Saint Peter know that he was to choose a successor for Judas?

He knew Our Lord had intentionally chosen 12 apostles, one for each of the 12 tribes of Israel, and thought it only proper to continue the practice.

Was Peter chosen by the bishops to become the pope?

Peter was chosen by Christ as the leader of His apostles and His church (see Gospel according to Matthew, Ch 16, V 18). Tradition has each Pope as the successor of Saint Peter, as the other Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals are successors of the Apostles. So, each Pope assumes the role of Saint Peter as leader of the Church. St. Peter's is built over the necropolis (city of the dead, or cemetery), where the bones of Saint Peter were buried after he was crucified on Vatican Hill. So, the Church really is built upon Saint Peter, just as Christ had said.

Who did Jesus appoint as leader of the apostles?

Peter was appointed by Jesus to be the leader of the Apostles!!!

Who was the pope of Rome after Peter?

Linus is believed to have been the successor of Saint Peter.