

What was a true spartan citizen called?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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12y ago

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A true spartan was called a master chief

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To be physically fit and be a descendant of a Spartan citizen.

What is a true spartan?

a true spartan is a master chief! and somone wih big feet to kick people down that big hole.

What were the steps to being a spartan?

I think you have to kill a penguin to be a true Spartan... hope it helped! :)

What was the criteria to join the Sparta military?

To be physically fit and be a descendant of a Spartan citizen.

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Spartan Merhants and artisans are called perioceci

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No, 300 is based on a true story; the spartan pit is not real.

In ancient Sparta what did you have to to be a citizen?

to be a citizen of Sparta you had to have had both a mother and father that was a spartan citizen. Also had to pass a test by the ephors i believe to see if they were a fit enough baby. ?

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they were not called anything and if you looking for Spartan houses info there is nothing on the internet.

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A Spartan slave was called a helot. Helots were state-owned serfs required to work the land for their Spartan masters.