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The noun 'rafter' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a support beam of a structure, a word for a thing; a word for someone riding a raft, a word for a person.

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Q: What type of noun is rafter?
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Is pat rafter a common or a proper noun?

The noun 'Pat Rafter' is a propernoun, the name of a specific person. A proper noun is always capitalized.The noun 'pat' is a common noun as a general word for a light blow with an open hand or a flat instrument; a small shaped butter portion.The noun 'rafter' is a common noun as a general word for sloping timbers that support a roof; someone who travels by raft.

What mean balk?

To stop short and refuse to go on, or as a noun, A wooden beam or rafter.

What is the birth name of Patrick Rafter?

Patrick Rafter's birth name is Patrick Michael Rafter.

A rafter is a collection of what creatures?

A flock of turkeys can also be referred to as a "raffle" or "rafter" of turkeys. Likewise, the collective noun 'gobble of turkeys' has been offered, but sees little if any use. "Raft" as a term of venery refers to auks (puffins, razorbills, auklets, and guillemots), as well as possibly ducks and penguins.

When did Charles Rafter die?

Charles Rafter died in 1935.

When was Leonard Rafter born?

Leonard Rafter was born in 1912.

When did Leonard Rafter die?

Leonard Rafter died in 1964.

How tall is Patrick Rafter?

Patrick Rafter is 6' 1".

What is part of a rafter?

A rafter is part of a roof, it supports the roof.

What is a cripple Jack rafter?

A cripple jack rafter is a jack rafter which touches neither a ridge rafter or a top plate. Cripple jack rafters are often categorized as either valley cripple jack rafters or hip cripple jack rafter.

What is the duration of Rafter Romance?

The duration of Rafter Romance is 1.2 hours.

What is Patrick Rafter's birthday?

Patrick Rafter was born on December 28, 1972.