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Harley, is the answer. I just did the test and the correct answer is Harley.

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Q: What is the simple subject and complete subject in the sentence Harley led the pack when she ran the 3000 meter run?
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Does a sentence have to have a simple subject and a complete subject?

no it does not

What is the complete subject and simple subject in this sentence the referee stopped the game?

The simple subject is "referee" and the complete subject is "the referee."

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The simple subject is "He". That is also the complete subject. Everything else is the complete predicate.

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What is the simple subject in the sentence You can help the elderly cross the street?

You is the simple subject. It can also be the complete subject.

What are the simple subject and complete subject?

The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun in a sentence, while the complete subject includes the simple subject along with all the words that describe or modify it. For example, in the sentence "The big dog chased the cat," "dog" is the simple subject and "The big dog" is the complete subject.

What is the simple subject and simple predicate and complete subject and complete predicate in the sentence He loves to send emails to his family and friends now?

Simple subject "he" Simple Predicate "loves" Complete subject "he" Complete predicate "loves to send e-mails"

What simple subject mean?

The simple subject is the main word in the complete subject of a sentence. It is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. Identifying the simple subject helps to focus on the primary element of the sentence.

What is the definion of complete and simple subjects?

A simple subject is also a complete subject when it only contains one word.For instance: He went to the store. "He" is the only part of the subject at all. The rest of it is part of the complete predicate.

What is the general structure of a sentence?

A simple complete sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.