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Hoshigaki kisame.

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Q: What is the name of the guys on Naruto with blue skin in the akatsuki?
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Who is zutsu in Naruto?

his name is zetsu and he is in the akatsuki

What is the name of the girl with blue hair in Naruto and that is not Hinata but another bluehaired girl?

if u mean the girl in the Akatsuki then its Konan.

How do you pronounce 'pain' of akatsuki?

You pronounce the name Pein from Naruto Shippuden like the word pain.

Who the guy from Naruto that has a mouth on his hand?

his name is Deidara. He is a member of Akatsuki and was partnered with Sasori and Tobi,

What is the robe called that the akatsuki wears on Naruto?

its just a cloak it does nothavea name bu if it did it would proble be he akatsuki cloak just hat plane and simple.

What is the battle ground name in the battle of Naruto and Sasuke?

the valley of the end the valley of the end # the akatsuki ---- ---- hi ---- ---- ---- ----

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What is the name of the snake guy in Naruto?

his name is orochimaru and he was team mates with tsunade and jyriia i hope that helped

What is the blind girls name in Naruto?

Are you talking about the girl with the short dark blue hair and light blue eyes? If you are, her name is hinata. There is no female character in Naruto that is blind.

Does naruto get captured by the akatsuki?

Currently in the manga most of the akatsuki members are dead and so far the only one fighting naruto is Pain but he is still losing so he might not be captured. UPGRADED SPOILER Unknown. there are only 3 members of the akatsuki; madara, kisame, and the plant dude whos name escapes me. I am not even sure if the akatsuki exists anymore, though, b/c madara has launched his mooneye plan. Also Nagato and that paper lady :P

Is danzo madara?

no he is not. if u look at zetzu or wat ever his name is says that danzos no friend and when madara is akatsuki leader.

Is there any relation between Naruto and pein the akatsuki leader?

There are also rumors that Naruto is Pein's nephew. It could be true that Pein and Kushina Uzumaki are siblings but Pein's original name was Nagato before it was changed because of his past sufferings.