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for a 14 year old averagly fast i run 200m in aprox 26 secs and came second for the district for a 14 year old averagly fast i run 200m in aprox 26 secs and came second for the district

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Q: What is the average time for a 200m dash for a sophomore or junior in high school I know Michael Johnson ran it in 19.32s as a record but people are saying 20 seconds is just good. What's the avg?
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What is the world record for 400 meters?

43.18 Michael Johnson (USA).

2000 Olympics men's 400m dash winning time?

Michael Johnson 43.84

What is the mens world record for 400m sprint?

The current men's world record for the 400m sprint is 43.03 seconds, set by Wayde van Niekerk of South Africa on August 14, 2016, at the Rio Olympics.

What is the mens 400m world record?

The men's 400m world record was set by Wayde van Niekerk from South Africa with a time of 43.03 seconds on August 14, 2016, at the Rio Olympics.

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Wariner's best time is 0.27 seconds of Michael Johnson's World Record. since then he has not tuned himself to show that he can post a time like that again.

Who was the first man to win gold at both the 200 and 400 meters?

Men - Donovan Bailey of Canada in a time of 9.84 seconds. Women - Gail Devers of the United States in a time of 10.94 seconds.

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The world record for the quarter mile in track and field is 9.58 seconds, set by Usain Bolt in 2009.

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Michael Johnson's 300m split in his 43.18-second 400m dash world record was around 31-32 seconds.

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The world record for the men's 400 meter hurdles is held by Karsten Warholm from Norway with a time of 45.94 seconds set in 2021. Sydney McLaughlin from the USA holds the world record for the women's 400 meter hurdles with a time of 51.46 seconds set in 2021.

200m national record holder for men and women 400?

MEN: 200 - 19.32 Michael Johnson (Nike) Atlanta, Georgia 8/01/96 400 - 43.18 Michael Johnson (Nike) Seville, Spain 8/26/99 WOMEN: 200 - 21.34 Florence Griffith Joyner (World Class AC) Seoul, South Korea 9/29/88 400 - 48.70 Sanya Richards (Nike) Athens, Greece 9/17/06

Who ran the fastest 400m time?

Michael Johnson ran the fastest time of 43 seconds if you were wondering usain bolts fastest time then look for it on the Internet or YouTube

Is chad Johnson faster then ladainian tomlinson?

chad Johnson by 0.1 seconds